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Couples Holiday Nature Retreat at Galveston Island State Park


Come take a break from holiday stress and connect with your partner in a meaningful way.
Experience the healing, connecting power of Nature!

We'll be guided through a Mindful Outdoor Experience, practice a Gottman 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work exercise and enjoy a picnic lunch together by the fire.



Kifferie is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Ecotherapist, Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist and holder of holistic safe space to heal and grow. Kifferie has been supporting personal journeys through acupuncture, mindfulness meditation, breath work and a myriad of holistic practices for over a decade. Kifferie shares peace and healing through her deep attunement with nature's cycles.

Isaac Streckenbach is a trained Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Leadership guide by Micah Mortalli, author of ReWilding: Meditations, Practices and Skills for Awakening in Nature trained in Tom Brown Jr. urban survival techniques and passionate about empowering people to find solace and reconnection within themselves and within nature.

Kifferie and Isaac met while Kifferie was completing a songbird field research project through the University of Montana’s Ornithology lab on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Happy Jack, Arizona. Isaac had just moved back from Florida where he completed a cholerpa restoration project at Homosassa Springs and participated in various research projects through the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.
Their shared love of nature, conservation and animals brought them together and has been a stable anchor throughout their 18 year partnership. Throughout all of life’s ups and downs, nature has provided a place to quiet the mind, escape the to-do’s and get down to heart centered, undistracted communication and connection.

There are numerous research studies supporting the benefits of nature time for helping to regulate our nervous systems. Self regulation is proven to support and enhance healthy communication in partnerships. We look forward to sharing our experiences and leading you through experiential practices to strengthen your relationship.

Come experience a settling of body, mind and spirit with Ear Acupuncture!


According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. Come let your stresses dissolve with 5 needles and learn relaxation techniques you can use at home to calm your mind.

How Acupuncture Works: Gently inserted needles (smaller than a human hair) promote homeostasis in the parasympathetic nervous system stimulating the body's internal resources to heal itself. Acupuncture stimulates local blood flow, normalizes the nervous system and releases natural pain killers by sending a signal to the brain (effecting endorphins serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine also improving mental well being. Acupuncture can supress an overactive sympathetic nervous system by stimulating the relase of oxytocin - disengaging the body's fight or flight response. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture states that, "A growing base of scientific evidence supports the use of acupuncture as a complementary treatment to help people stop smoking" alongside other behavioral and lifestyle modifications. You can read more about conditions for which acupuncture is helpful on their linked webpage above.

What Will Take Place: We'll be in a group of up to 8 people sitting with 5 needles in our ears while learning relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and guided imagery that can be used on a daily basis.

Contact Kifferie Corley for details, questions or concerns at or (832)819-4604

TAMUG STUDENTS ONLY Mindful Stress Relief VIRTUAL group

In this group specifically for TAMUG STUDENTS ONLY, we will explore various mindfulness techniques to proactively reduce stress and anxiety. Some of the techniques we will explore are: virtual live nature walks based on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing, which is the simple and therapeutic act of spending time in a forest, greenspace or our most readily available nature space, the beach. We will utilize breathing techniques, movement and various meditation and grounding exercises. These practices will enhance our ability to function in stressful situations by physiologically regulating our parasympathetic nervous system. Students will also have access to short accessible pre-recorded exercises to use at their convenience.

Meet me on my YouTube channel for a live group mindfulness and breathing exercise

9/9/2020 3pm CST

9/16/2020 9am CST

9/23/2020 6pm CST